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Writer's picturemichael


HEADLINE NEWS....Economies are slowing!! Supplies are being hoarded!!! People are fearing for their lives!!!! Schools, NBA, March Madness, colleges and universities, conventions, concerts are all shutting down!!!! A virus is owning the world. Fear is on the throne of the masses.

It looks like something out of an apocalyptic novel. It feels like the world is coming to an end. NEWS FLASH: It's not........

2 Timothy 1:7 clearly states,

"God has not given us a spirit of fear; but one of power, love and a sound (sensible thinking) mind."

If God did not give us a spirit of fear, who did? The answer is obvious. The enemy is delighting in his latest scheme to paralyze the earth. He has unleashed a strong and powerful spirit of fear. Our news media can't get enough. They delight in fear mongering. The enemy has put the weapon of fear on our airways (TV, radio, social media, newsfeeds) and we feed on it 24/7. What better way to stop the redemptive and healing power of God? Or so the enemy thinks. We are commanded by the Lord to stand firm against of the enemy's schemes. In other words, know what he is doing and pre-empt the strike and stand in confidence - having put on the full armor of God.

"Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. Stand firm against him, and be strong in your faith. Remember that your family of believers all over the world is going through the same kind of suffering you are."

1 Peter 5:8, 9

The enemy is NOW prowling around looking for victims to devour. All over the globe. Victims are motivated by fear. They are sitting ducks for destruction. You see, when those around you are motivated and driven by a spirit of fear, they need someone who is strong and confident to lead them. That person is you!!!! Instead of giving in to fear, use this season as an opportunity to lead the fearful and Fatherless to the King, the Healer, the Savior, the Strong Tower, the Waymaker, the Comforter, the true Father.

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly."

John 10:10

We have the plan of God (not the scheme of the devil) to extend His life to the fearful and the abundance. The world needs us!!!!! Fear is not on the throne of our life, The Greater One, Jesus Christ, is. This is our time. This is His opportunity to extend His kingdom in and through us. We need to de-throne fear by giving life. By giving hope. By declaring peace. By drawing a line in the sand and saying to the enemy, with God-confidence, "THIS IS WHERE IT STOPS!"

Go through your day with wisdom. Be careful and pro-active, BUT DO NOT FEAR. It will only paralyze you and take you away from your spheres of influence and authority. THIS IS OUR TIME.

Greater is He that is in us, than he that is in the world!

1 John 4:4

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댓글 1개

2020년 3월 13일

Well said. It is amazing how rapidly fear can grip the world. The corona virus has certainly demonstrated that.

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